Tarheel Divers

Diving Physics and Chemistry
1. True or False: Failure to clear one’s ears on descent may result in permanent hearing loss.
2. True or False: When a diver reaches 80 feet, Nitrogen suddenly becomes narcotic.
3. A __________ occurs when a diver is unable to clear his or her ears on descent. A __________ __________ occurs when a diver is unable to clear his or ears on ascent.
4. Squeezes can occur only in:
        a. The arms of professional wrestlers
        b. Tight cave restrictions
        c. Rock concerts
        d. The air spaces in your body
5. Symptoms of Carbon Dioxide excess include:
        a. Headaches
        b. Joint Pain
        c. Skin rashes
        d. None of the above
6. True or False: A diver who goes unconscious 45 minutes after exiting the water may be suffering from an Air Embolism.
7. The proper treatment for all types of Decompression Illness is __________.
8. What is the difference between Decompression Sickness and Decompression Illness?
9. Define Clinical Hypothermia

10. The Cardinal Rule in diving is to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ under any circumstances ________ ________ ________.
11. What is 'Shallow Water Blackout'?

12. What ‘drinking’ law refers to the adverse physiological effect of the increased partial pressure of Nitrogen.

13. What is the answer?
        a. Oxygen
        b. 42
        c. D
        d. C
14. Carbon Monoxide is:
        a. The San Francisco Treat
        b. ‘Deep Throat’
        c. A nerve gas developed and released by the U.S. government to control civilians
        d. A poisonous gas that bonds with hemoglobin 200 times more readily than Oxygen and whose symptoms include severe headaches and drowsiness

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